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View Drafts
Check all your mail drafts with Plexora view draft tool. Preview, send, schedule or delete them as per requirements.
How to manage drafts 
How to view drafts

Go to Lead Management and View drafts and your saved mails (Draft) window will open.

You can view all your drafted and saved mails here.
Also you can send , Schedule, Preview your previous drafts by clicking on links on each row.
Also you can delete multiple draft by selecting check box..
Deletion confirmation box will appear. Click OK
How to edit draft
Go to Applications – Lead Management and View drafts and your saved mails (Draft)
  window will open.
Click on the draft you are looking for.
For any modification to the draft click on the respective edit box as shown in the email draft
  window. You can directly choose the section for editing by clicking on Edit Email, Edit description and edit selection list buttons.
After making the required changes click on 'Update' to save changes and 'Review' to view the
  email layout.
Send immediate mails
Go to Applications – Lead Management and View drafts and your saved mails (Draft)
  window will open.
Select and Click on the draft you are looking for.
For any modification to the draft click on the respective edit box as shown in the email draft
  window. You can directly choose the section for editing by clicking on Edit Email, Edit description and edit selection list buttons.
Click on the Send Mail.
Schedule your saved mails.
Go to Applications – Lead Management and View drafts and your saved mails (Draft)
  window will open.
To change the scheduled time click 'Send Schedule' and ‘Scheduling window’ will pop up.
Mention the scheduling Date and time and click on Schedule Delivery.
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