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Expense is the money spent by you, from your pocket, to buy any product or service for your business. Tracking your business expenses is an important activity.

Creating an expense

To create an expense in Plexora

• Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Left menu "Expenses" tab on the home page
On Expenses page Click on +Expenses button on the right to create New.
Enter the expense details such as 'Product', "Amount", "Currency type" , "Vendor", "Date" & "Category"
Select the check box and enter the applicable tax details as per the tax applicability
Upload the expense related document by selecting the file from the local memory.
Click on Add Expense

Expense Approval and Rejection


Only the approval authority can perform this activity

Go to the “Expenses” tab on the home page of Plexora. List of all the expenses will appear.
Filter out the required expenses with UserTypes, Product Type or Dates
You can check the expense details by clicking the respective icons such as relative expense docs,
Click on the Approve or Reject Button for respective actions.
How to manage expenses
Manage all your Expenses with Plexora Expense management. Add and delete expenses in the system. Manage and monitor expenses for approvals and rejections.

Add Expenses

Login  the business domain with your credentials
Go to Expenses and List of Expenses and will appear on your screen
Click on +Expenses and Add Expense window will open.
Select the Product for which you are adding the expenses. Enter the Expense amount, choose
  the currency type, vendor date and Expense category
Note: - You can mark the special COMMENTS here to detail your expenses better.
Tax: Select Tax boxes
Upload expense proof docs (Receipts) with Select Documents and click on Add Expense
Delete Expenses
Go to Expenses and List of Expenses and will appear on your screen.
Select the check box of the prodct expense you want to delete
Click Delete to remove the Expense from the Expense database.
Approve/Reject Expenses
Go to Expenses and List of Expenses and will appear on your screen.
Select the check box of the product expense you want to delete
Click on Approve/Reject button to remove the Expense from the Expense database.

Filter Expenses

Go to Expenses and List of Expenses and will appear on your screen.
Select the respective user ID in the Usertype dropdown, Mention the From and to dates.
You will have the list of approved Expense from the Expense database.
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