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Invoicing is an important activity for both sales and accounting purposes. Invoice is the bill issued to the customer against his purchase of goods or services. Invoice contains Purchase Order reference number, Date, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Terms of Payment, Line Items (products/services) with quantities and prices. Invoicing process initiates the accounting procedure and starts after the completion of the sales process for managing receivable accounts by the accounts department.

Invoice Management

Create a Billing Invoice

Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Billing – New Invoice tab on the home page of Plexora.
Invoice number will be given by default.
Choose the client from the client list for which invoice is to be raised. System will automatically
  show the currency type and you can choose the required currency from the currency list. 
Enter the invoice  details such as ‘Product/Services’, “Description”, “Rate” , “Quantity”, “Unit Total”
  & “Tax details” to create a new Bill. To add multiple items for billing click on the “Add Row” Button to enter their respective details
Mention the Terms &conditions applicable.
Mention the Client notes in case required
Click on “Send by mail” to send the invoice to the client

List of Invoices

Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Billing – List of Invoices tab on the home page of Plexora
List of Invoices will appear with their brief details.
Scroll over the invoice list & click to check the respective Invoice detail.

List of Active / Deleted Invoices

Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Billing – List of Invoices tab on the home page of Plexora
• List of Invoices will appear with their brief details.
Click on the button on the top- right of the "List of Invoices" page for respective Active or Deleted invoice list.
Invoice Payment History

Get a list of invoices with their complete payment details. Know the invoice which have been paid fully or partially.

Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Billing – Payment History tab on the home page of Plexora.
“List of Received Payments” will open with their brief details.
To know complete payment details of the Invoices click on “View Details” for the respective invoice.
Payment History page will open for the respective invoice .
Scroll your mouse pointer over the Invoice number and click to view the Invoice.
Download, print or send invoice by mail to the Invoice recipient.
Purchase Order Management

Create a Purchase order

Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Billing – New Purchase Order tab on the home page of Plexora.
Select the vendor. Enter the product details like Description, Rate, Quantity, applicable taxes,
  Terms of Agreement and any notes for the Vendor
If you have multiple products/services for billing click on the Add Row button to add more products.
Immediately save or send PO by email to the recipient by clicking on the “Save as draft” or
  “Send by mail” button for respective actions.

Create a Purchase order

Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Billing – List of PO tab on the home page of Plexora.
List of POs will appear with their brief details.
  Scroll over the PO list & click to check the respective PO detail.

Payment History of Purchase orders

Get a list of POs with their complete information and payment status.
Login to your business domain using your credentials
Go to the Billing – PO Payment tab on the home page of Plexora.
“List of PO Payments” will open with their brief details.
To know complete payment details of the Invoices click on “View Details” for the respective invoice.
Payment History page will open for the respective PO number.
Scroll your mouse pointer over the PO number and click to view the PO.
Download, print or send PO by mail to the PO recipient.
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